Saturday, January 1, 2011


Saturday December 25

Christmas Morning!!

Well Santa Definitely found us this year. It was quit nice not having to be up early to get our Christmas over with so we could get up to my in-laws. They pushed their breakfast back to 11. So we let the kids sleep in until 8:30 let me tell you that was a great Christmas present to me.

(This is Tenlies stash.)

(Here is Stetsons Stash)

Stetson was so excited he wasn't waiting for no one.

I think Stetson was playing before Tenlie even made it around the corner.

Tenlie was so excited for her Laptop. That is all she was asking for. That was the first thing she eyed too.

Dad scored on his gifts to the kids they both loved their gifts. Stetson was quit fun while he was opening his gifts he was singing Christmas songs the whole time.

We took the kids out one night to pick a gift for each other and when they opened each others gifts this is how they thanked one another. I just love this stage of life I wish I could freeze them.

they both got laptops from Santa and this is what they did all morning.

Later we went up to Cody's parents for breakfast and open presents.

Cody's mom made all the grand kids and each married couple an I Spy blanket that has minkie on the back. WOW how many hours this had to have taken her. My kids have yet to put their blankets away. They love them.

After we left their house we stopped by both great grandparents and then headed to my parents house for dinner. I must have been pictured out by then or just tired I forgot to take pictures.

We had an amazing Christmas. We loved being as a family and reflecting back at the true meaning of Christmas the birth of our Savior.


  1. Okay you are a true hair stylist! I can't believe you had Tenlie's hair all done on christmas morning!!!!!!!!!
    Did you make all of your families cute christmas bottoms? They are super cute!!

  2. I saw your blog posted on Katie Westerns and had check it out. I'm so glad I did. My dad only will tell me bits and pieces of whats going on with you guys. I'm so glad I was able to read and catch up on what has been going on lately. I wish our families were closer. You are such a great example. You guys seem to be so strong. You have a great attitude. You're awesome!! You are in our prayers!

  3. Christmas is so fun. Loved Ten and Stetson hugging. They are so cute.
    Love the blankets. What a great present.

  4. Your blog looks fabulous!! ;) What a great Christmas!! Those blanky's are adorable, I want one!! :)

  5. Your blog is so cute! I love those blankets what a treasure. Looks like a great Christmas!! :)
