Saturday, March 12, 2011

Codys CT

Monday February 14

Well the results from Cody's tumor marker came back with a count of 4.8 so here we our spending our Valentines in Radiology getting Cody's CT done.  Cody wasn't very happy about these results.  Its still in the normal range, but just barely under.  He's starting to get a little nervous with these results.  I have to keep telling him that its still extremely good numbers. I mean heck when we started this whole process his numbers were well above 200. 

Here he is again being spoiled getting the very cozy lazy boy chair.

Thank goodness for phones with fun games.  I don't know how he would get through all his treatments without it or should I say how would I get through it without something entertaining him.

He did have to give the poor nurse a hard time for not having any Coke to mix his drink with.  Poor kid he had to settle with Bargs rootbeer. I mean what a hard life.  I told her she should make him drink it alone if he was going to keep giving her a hard time.  I guess why not have a little fun while you are at it.  Cody has become quit the torment with the nurses.  He still has no feeling in his hands and feet so when the nurse went to poke his finger to get a blood sample he jerked and quit loud said OWE.  She felt so bad and was apologizing for hurting him.  Then she was having to squeeze his finger quit hard to try and get some blood to come out.  He replies to her well aren't you going to squeeze?  She looks at him with quit the look and replies I'm squeezing quit hard. I was afraid I was hurting you.  Cody starts laughing and tells her he has no feeling in his finger and can't feel anything.  I think the nurse was about to kill him. 

Well the results from the CT came back that things are holding their own.  No growth has accrued and a couple of the tumors have actually shrunk a couple of millimeters.  So the Dr. says we will just keep pressing forward with the maintenance chemo for now.

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