Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ballet of Peter Pan

Thursday March 31

This Weekend Tenlies dance group put on the production of Peter Pan.  They did such a great job with it.  Our little ones were Tinkerbell's friends.  Tenlie just loves Tinkerbell so when she found out she was going to be performing with her she was very excited. 

The back drops they had for this production were amazing. 

Once again grandma and grandpa didn't let her down.  Flowers they brought with a little encouragement from her brother.  Stetson went in and told grandpa before he left to make sure his sister gets flowers. 

This picture didn't turn out so good.  Stetson had been playing with my camera and changed the setting before I noticed.  This little girl that played tinkerbell was extremely talented. 

I'm so proud of Tenlie and how far she has come with her dancing.  She just shines up on that stage.  You can always tell she is having the time of her life. 

1 comment:

  1. She is so darling Tori!! And she has all your dancing skills, that is awesome :)
