Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Week

So Halloween week gets kind of crazy around our house we like lots of activities. I for went our kids Halloween party that we put on every year with the neighbors and some friends. I was quit sad and had a hard time filling the spirit at the beginning of the week, but with Cody having treatment that same week I just couldn't do another thing.

So it took me until Thursday to really get into the spirit of the holiday. I have so much fun getting dressed up and dressing up my kiddies. So Stetsons school had their party on Thursday and he went as a biker dude. He was so excited and thought he was so cool. He just loves anything motorcycle.

He wanted to make sure I got a picture of his jacket with the Harley decal.

Then Friday was Tenlies school party and she went as Aerial. I have to say she was a cute blond Aerial.

Since Tenlies school has early out day on Fridays and we had been slacking on our pumpkin decorating. We decided since we had a little time between school and taking Cody back to the hospital to get unhooked from chemo we would hurry and get them done.

As you can see we were a little lazy this year and took the easy way out. In years past we would do the whole carving thing and our kids would get sick of it just after we would gut the things out. Then Cody and I would be stuck finishing the pumpkins. So this year I came across these kits and decided this way the kids could be involved the whole time.

Later that night we got dressed up and headed off to Tenlies school Carnival. This time Tenlie decided to be a cat.

Tenlie Loved the donut eating game. She was extremely determined not to touch it.

Stetson on the other hand was grab and shove. One bite is all it needed.

So far its been a crazy week, but a fun one.


  1. Cool biker dude!!! I love Tenlie in her kitty costume too! She looks so sassy!! Your potato head pumpkins are the coolest!!!!

  2. Love Stetson's biker outfit and cute little Aerial /kitty.
    You guys looked so cute on Halloween. Loved the 101 Dalmatian theme.
