Monday, August 16, 2010

Round five

Wednesday Aug 11

Well Today was round 5 it's hard to believe we've been at this for almost 3 months. Cody and I have decided that when we go to these treatments its an all day event. He's only hooked up to the IVS for 4 hrs, but by the time you see the Dr. and get your blood ran it becomes all day.

Cody is looking so good for having 5 treatments and is feeling exceptionally well. We want to thank everyone for all your thoughts and prayers that are coming our way. You've been a great help in all this

Well this time around I started to get board and brought the camera out. Cody wasn't so excited about this cause I was taking random shoots. One I decided t get in.

So we get to our appointments at 10 and this whole room is quit full we try and get the chair to the left of Cody by the fridge that's our favorite spot. We are not always so lucky as you can see.

By 6 this is what the room looks like. Cody has decided he stays around to clear everyone out for the nurses. No really we have met some of the nicest people out there.

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