Sunday, August 29, 2010

Round six

Wednesday August 25

WOW!!! Round six already its hard to believe we've hit half way point with this segment of treatments. It seams just like yesterday we were told Cody had cancer and now three months later here we are. Cody is doing such an amazing job with everything he has had thrown at him. The treatments he is getting are very hard and aggressive. The Dr. is so impressed with how Cody is holding up. This time they were running a good hour behind schedule so the Dr. had us see his Nurse Practitioner cause he knew he was doing great and was having no difficulty's.

As long as Cody keeps his blood levels up and doesn't form any of the side affects we have been cleared to go 6 more treatments. At that time when they have to pull him off the Avasten (that's the drug that is shrinking the tumors.) its only able to be given for 6 months at a time. We will then start up maintenance chemo. This is where we will try to stay for awhile hoping that Cody's tumors don't start growing again to quickly.

In the mean while I've decided to become the next Martha Stewart. haha
You have to find something to pass the time by. Who knew I would ever take up crocheting.

Every time we are there this saying is framed above the fridge and we look at it every time so I thought I would share it with you also.

Friday August 27

So my brother brought this crazy hat back from Moab to Cody when we thought he would be loosing his hair. It was a hit with the nurses they got a kick out of it. We were given some more great news today regarding Cody's tumor counts. Remember they started at 200 and as of now they are down to 13. This count reflects the strength of his tumors and the protein that fuels them to grow. The higher the number the more strength it has so we are KILLING them.
The Dr. Says a normal persons count is
about a 5.


  1. Yea half way... That is so awesome. Cody looks great and has such a great attitude. He is such a great example to us.
    Love the hat :)

  2. Okay that is so funny. I got a quick look at him in the truck after he threw me my totally awesome water bottle and after I was like, what the hell did he have on his head!!!! ha ha
    I'm glad you took up the whole crocheting thing to pass the time but I think taking 500 pictures is much more entertaining!!! Cody looks so great! He's a tough cookie!!
